The day finally arrived! Poppy was counting down the sleeps until her birthday and was excited to tell me “the morning is arrived and today is my PARTY!”. After opening some presents while still in her jammies, we had breakfast and GranJan came over to wish her a happy day. We then went to church where Kids Church sang to her and she received some little birthday treats. After a quick trip out to the beach to assess the weather (really windy in Richmond but calm at Rabbit Island) we prepared for the BBQ and got our swimming things together. Dropping in to the farm on the way to the beach saw Poppy with another really cool present hanging in a tree. We set up our beach tent and played in the waves until friends started arriving for the afternoon sandcastle contest. The winners were Cam & Fin for their effort and involvment building their scooter – then Josh’s 4-wheeler coming a close second and a special mention for Liam & Phil’s porche as Poppy’s favourite. The gourmet sausages were yummy and we sang to Poppy as she ate her special birthday cupcake. Happy 3rd Birthday, Poppy!