Adrienne & Poppy are planning on attending this event if you’d like to join us!
Matariki is the Maori new year, it is the day of the first new moon AFTER the first rise of the cluster of 7 stars called Matariki (or Pleiades) after a period of absence in the night sky. It rises in the north – east approx half an hour before dawn. It is a time of family gathering, feasting (from harvest) talking about ancestors/family history, a time of study, weaving and crafts, and planning for the year ahead – often in terms of the garden. The brightness of Matariki in the sky was said to determine the crop for the year ahead- the brighter the stars, the warmer the year ahead would be, therefore the better the crop.Matariki Lantern Parade on Wednesday 17 June from 3.45pm – 8.00pm at Victory Community Centre, (Totara St). Victory Primary School will start the event with a special performance telling the story of Matariki. Then journey with us on a Lantern Parade up the Railway Reserve to watch the dragon dance and fire performers and then return by candle light to the community centre for a performance by local choirs, drummers and fire performers and stay on for kai.
Cost: Gold Coin Donation. Please bring a lantern or torch with you and dress for the conditions.
All children under 8 must be accompanied by a responsible adult over 18. If you are going to attend the lantern parade and community meal please let us know by contacting Gareth on 546-8389, email or drop in to the community centre. Event supported by Creative Communities NZ Local Arts Funding Scheme