Look who Poppied up in full regalia



FLOWER CHILD: Poppy Ford, four, is the perfect ambassador for Poppy Day. Photo by Martin de Ruyter, The Nelson Mail.

It seems four-year-old Poppy Ford has a few budding careers ahead of her.


“She is definitely a model in the making,” said Kim Jenkins, of Nelson.

“She could a have a great career in sales,” said Teresa O’Connor.

But this morning Poppy was happy asking passers-by if they wanted to buy a different kind of poppy – one that she said was for remembering the people who died in the war.

“Some boys went and some girls went; some died and some didn’t.”

Poppy’s mother Adrienne said that last year on Anzac Day her daughter had noticed all the flags in Trafalgar St and had asked what they meant.

A year on, Poppy can recount, as best as a four-year-old can, the horrors of war. “War is bad,” Poppy said.

Ms Ford said she liked her daughter to do some volunteer work and thought this would be a perfect opportunity.

It was also a perfect opportunity to get Poppy out, dressed in her favourite poppy outfit, on Poppy Day.

“She certainly is enthusiastic about it.”

Ms Ford said it was amazing how many poppy clothes one could find on an internet auction site.

Source: The Nelson Mail

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