Richmond A&P show

A&P Show November 2005
What an amazing sunny Nelson summer this is going to be!
Adrienne & Fred trouped out with friends Janine & Rich to sample the local agriculture and trade along with hotdogs and candyfloss.
There was plenty to see with the sheep dogs and beef cattle contests – and we bumped into Lorene and Brad at the woodchopping.
At only 10 weeks to go, Adrienne is still keeping up with everyone and keen to find reasons for fun exercise – no rides today though!

childbirth classes

We had the first of our eight childbirth preparation classes tonight and it was a wonderful social networking occasion. Along with 8 other couples, we worked through group activities, technical terms, getting to know everyone games and had a yummy supper. These groups often continue to get together in play/coffee groups once all the wee ones are born. I’m looking forward to the hospital visit where we tour the labour rooms and maternity ward.

afternoon tea

A few of the girls from AquaNatal class got together at my parent’s farm for afternoon tea. We had three babies to play with – and four of us still with bumps. We were saying goodbye to Beth who is returning home to the US with Koel, her new baby boy. It’s been excellent exercise going twice a week to swim in the pool – and a great social occasion as well!
Aquanatal Afternoon Tea

midwife visit

Wendy came to see us and declared everything is fine. Baby is in the 50th percentile so everything looks pretty average. Fred has been singing to bubby and it creates at least 10 minutes of flips and turns, kicks and splits! We purchased a change table and we’ve started the nursery preparations. A borrowed cot will be the next addition with Mum helping me make some curtains.