Our last day in the USA was amazing with wonderful fun at LegoLand. After a quick shower and pack we were in the car again on the freeway to the airport where we checked in and said goodbye to Anthony & Jonna. Poppy had such an amazing time with her Aunty Jonna that she cried when she had to say goodbye.
Our flight from LA to Auckland was PERFECT! In front of me was a young girl who didn’t recline her seat and there was no-one seated behind me. Poppy had two seats on which to stretch out and she went straight to sleep about half an hour into the 13 hour flight and woke 2 hours before landing in time to have breakfast and watch Charlotte’s Web on her personal TV screen. We then went through customs after meeting the fruit-sniffing beagle named Poppy!
A brisk walk over to domestic saw us on our final plane ride to Nelson where Yogi and GranJan were waiting for us with delicious chicken sandwiches and a good old kiwi cuppa for lunch. Happy to be home and in familiar surroundings, Poppy asked to go to PreSchool so we went for a visit to catch up with her friends and teachers who have been reading this blog while we were away.
We relaxed and rediscovered old toys to play with & caught up with phone calls before Poppy went to bed around 6pm and Adrienne followed at 8pm – I think we beat the jetlag by getting some sleep on the plane.