a wallaby & an all black

After entering a drawing competition at the Richmond Town & Country Vet, Poppy was pronounced one of the winners!  Her drawing of Rosie the wallaby won her the chance to meet the special little marsupial in person.  Poppy really enjoyed the experience and you might be able to catch it on the tv show Wild Vets some time this season as it was being filmed.  In the same afternoon we heard on the radio that All Black Dan Carter was in town and posing for photos at Brownie’s Mattress Direct between 5-6pm – so we raced there from jazz ballet class and got the LAST photo opportunity with him before he wrapped it up.

purple cake day

Poppy and I dressed in all purple to participate in Purple Cake Day today after baking some purple cupcakes first thing in the morning.  We enjoyed the assembly at Hampton Street school where Emily spoke and Kath Bee sung her Purple Cake Day song.  Poppy jumped up to walk in the fashion parade and was pleased to chat to Kath Bee at the end and give her a cupcake.

We then made our way to the top of Trafalgar Street for the service and 2 minutes silence to mark the week anniversary of the devastating Christchurch earthquake.

Poppy had purple clothes to change into for her gymnastics class and we continued the day with purple passion!

opera in the park

Apart from a little rain in the beginning, we all had a fabulous time at this year’s Opera in the Park.  Poppy drew a couple of pictures of the proceedings and ended up asleep on my lap by the end…. unfortunately missing the fireworks!

Our favourite was definitely the Topp Twins…. so funny.  We also enjoyed GranJan’s picnic and our view was perfect.

Some of the photos were taken by John-Paul Pochin, professional photographer in Nelson.  To buy his photos, check out his website http://www.moments.co.nz/.

leaving nelson

It’s a very sad night for me as we share a last dinner and Wii games evening with my best friend, Janine.  She is leaving for Wellington tomorrow morning; a brand new amazing job and lots of wonderful adventures await her there.  Luckily, I have grabaseat on email alert and the seats from Nelson to Wellington are frequent and affordable.

Janine and I went to school together and I reconnected with her when I moved to Nelson in 2004.  Since then she has been a constant and amazing friend, supporting me through my new business, first baby and the end of my marriage.  She stayed this week to celebrate Poppy’s 5th birthday with us and I’m so grateful she was there.  I’m teary-eyed for myself, but incredibly happy for her – and really thankful she is only across the puddle.
Thank you, Janine for the special touches you’ve added to my Nelson life… you know the song in my heart and can sing it to me when my memory fails – and it helps that we were both in Special Choir!